Kate Middleton is suing French paps for $2m and it’s totally justified.

Paul-Albert Iweins, the lawyer for Closer magazine owner Ernesto Mauri, asserted that he did not understand why the royal couple was upset enough to go to court.

“The article made everybody happy, from the readers to the royal family, whatever they might say, since the couple was presented under a very favourable light,” Mr Iweins said.

I am not British so I have no idea what it’s like having a Prince and Princess live off your dollar. Frankly, it doesn’t bother me that much (possibly because Australia has politicians who spend millions on flags) and I try not to follow them that closely knowing that the demand to see them is making paparazzi chase them through shops or whatever. Which I can assume is a really uncomfortable way to live.


Case in point, ages and ages ago Kate was snapped topless. The pap climbed up the wall of her villa and took pictures. My most reasonable response to that is: that guy needs to fall off a cliff and live a short life.

So Kate is suing for $2m and why shouldn’t she? Climbing over someone’s wall and taking a picture of them naked for money, is absolutely demented and should be actively discouraged. It’s my fault that I walked into the comments section (remind me never to do that again) and there’s a lot of:

  • She’s in the public eye, she should know better (this was in her holiday home, not the local park)
  • Her boobs are not worth $2m 🔥🔥🔥
  • Rich money don’t need more money (it’s not about the money!)

Other than Kate herself, there’s not a single person who looks good coming out of this. The paps, the magazine who doesn’t understand why Kate is upset (um), the media who are flogging Kate for suing and the keyboard warriors who sniffily suggest that being famous automatically entitles you to intrusion. Fuck that.

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